
Our journal is not only the perfect place for inspiration for your setup, it's also the place to find out everything you need to know about new products.

About the new MagSafe Stand for the Setup Cockpit

About the new MagSafe Stand for the Setup Cockpit

Our collection of Setup Cockpit Accessories has grown: From now on, our modular Monitor Stand um ...

Apple Das neue Setup Cockpit: Funktionalität in hellem Eichenholz

The new Setup Cockpit: Functionality in light oak wood

The Setup Cockpit is a monitor stand that is changeable and can be customized at any time. Howeve...

Das neu designte Fach für das Setup Cockpit

Redesigning the Tray for the Setup Cockpit

The Tray is probably one of the most versatile Add-Ons for the Setup Cockpit. It creates a fixed ...

Was unsere Premium Holzprodukte so nachhaltig macht

Premium Wooden Products - Combining Design and Sustainability

Quality wooden products not only enhance the look of any desk - adding wooden desk accessories to...

Let’s talk: Worauf es uns bei der Schreibtisch-Ausstattung wirklich ankommt


After 10 years of passionately designing and manufacturing high-quality premium wooden products, ...

Wieso ein Laptophalter für die Arbeit im Homeoffice mehr als sinnvoll ist

Why you should consider a Laptop Stand for Home Office Work

In times of home- and tele-working, where one's own workplace is no longer necessarily tied to a ...

New Work - Der Wandel zur neuen Arbeitswelt

New Work - A Trend that already influences our Work Life

If you look at today's world of working, the trend has long been away from work as a pure means t...

balolo, ergonomisches Arbeiten, Monitorerhöhung, Walnussholz, Schreibtisch, Setup, iPhone, Laptophalter, Handyhalter, Zuhause arbeiten, Monitor Stand, Monitorerhöhung Holz

Desk Sharing: 3 Steps to a successful Hot Desk

Desk sharing - or Hot Desking - does away with the need to have your own desk. The result is work...

Die SETUP COCKPIT-Anbauteile und was du über sie wissen solltest

All about the SETUP COCKPIT Modular Accessories

A modern workplace should adapt to the needs of its user and be as changeable as real life. That'...

Triff Ulrich und sein All-in-One Schreibtisch Setup

Meet Ulrich and this All-in-One Desk Setup

Ulrich Esch, better known as @ulresch, is one of the tech influencers that tech enthusiasts on In...

Rückenschmerzen am Arbeitsplatz? Diese 3 Tipps solltest Du beachten.

Back Pain at work? Here are 3 Tips you should follow.

The most frequent companions at people's work spaces, apart from monitors and smartphones, are of...

Die neue Generation modernen Arbeitens

The Next Generation Of Workspaces Is Now

A modern and ingeniously designed workspace which is easily modified whenever you need it. An opt...

Apple Designed to elevate your sound: Begrüßt mit uns den balolo® TriPod

Designed to elevate your sound: Say 'Hello' to the balolo® TriPod

In the world of tech-accessories, Apple's HomePod mini seemed to be quite neglected - until now. ...