If you look at today's world of working, the trend has long been away from work as a pure means to an end. "New Work" is the name of the new movement that will structurally change our everyday working lives. Here's what it's all about and why you've probably already become familiar with it.
„New Work“ – The Idea Behind it
„New Work" is the new age of workplaces. Working as a mere means of sustaining life is thus a thing of the past. What is now in focus can be summarized briefly: independence, freedom, needs orientation and participation in the community. Historically, the term dates back to the 1970s - but even today it is more topical than ever and countless companies have already aligned themselves accordingly.
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Self-responsible Work and own ideas
Where people used to find themselves in classic hierarchies and worked exclusively according to strict instructions, the focus is now elsewhere. More responsibility for employees, independent action and the introduction of personal ideas are now in the foreground. According to this approach, the employee regains a large piece of personality and self-realization.
New Work(spaces)
In line with new work models, workplaces have also been reinvented as a place of action. Work is becoming more decentralized, flexible and independent. Let's think of working in the home office, flexible Desk Sharing in the office or working on the road – nowadays, workplaces can differ fundamentally.
The right design of the future-oriented workplace also plays a role here. If a desk is regularly used by different employees, it should also be possible to restructure and adapt it as often as desired. For this purpose, a height-adjustable table and office chair are conceivable, sufficient storage space and customizable desk equipment. With modular Monitor Stand and corresponding Accessories this will be an easy task.
Communication and Team Spirit
Despite location-independent work, (digital) communication and the team concept are becoming even more important. This means that everyone no longer works on their own tasks, but rather complements each other and works together. As work is becoming increasingly flexible, the aspect of digitalization and the use of the right Communication Tools have to be well-considered.
In whatever way the exchange of opinions takes place: New Work sheds new light on the importance of transparency, communication and community.
Work-Life-Blending instead of Work-Life-Balance
Another characteristic point is the increasingly fluid boundary between work and leisure. One's job now provides for the realization of one's own concepts and ideas, and working is therefore no longer merely a compulsion to cope with the cost of living. This circumstance and the increasing responsibility of the individual employee, combined with the flexible relocatability of the workplace, not infrequently leads to smaller activities also being completed quickly after work.
"Work-life blending" also means that jobs are sometimes so close to the personal interests that they no longer seem like work and are seen as a fulfilling part of the day-to-day life.
Even though you may not have come across the concept of the "New Work" phenomenon yet, it is certainly already part of everyday life for most of us in some components. What at first seemed to be perhaps a passing trend could turn out to be a real opportunity to ensure satisfied employees who can fully exploit their potential and move the company forward.