Back Pain at work? Here are 3 Tips you should follow.

Ergonomic workspace, ergonomic working, ergonomic desk, Monitor stand, SETUP COCKPIT, balolo, neck strain, back pain, ergonomic home office, Monitorerhöhung Holz, Schreibtisch, Desk Setup, Office, Monitor Stand, Monitor Riser

Image credits: @renzsadiwa


The most frequent companions at people's work spaces, apart from monitors and smartphones, are often unpleasant back pain and tensions. But there are some proven effective ways to keep you from that. We'll explain how to prevent back pain and neck tension at work and improve your quality of life many times over.

Let's start with the basics: How do you sit?

Sometimes it's the simple things that can have a huge impact. If your sitting position isn't right, it's not just uncomfortable - it can be detrimental to your health in the long term. That's why you shouldn't skimp on simple things like an ergonomic office chair. Important here: 


  • Adjustability of backrest, height and inclination in all important directions
  • Seat height: thighs and legs should form a right angle
  • Armrests for an ergonomic arm position when just off the desk
  • Synchromechanics: Office chairs with synchromechanics automatically change the tilt of the backrest and seat level with every movement



Does your desk have the right height?


Ergonomic workspace, ergonomic working, ergonomic desk, Monitor stand, SETUP COCKPIT, balolo, neck strain, back pain, ergonomic home office, Monitorerhöhung Holz, Schreibtisch, Desk Setup, Office, Monitor Stand, Monitor Riser

Image credits: @koliamishka

Correct posture is the be-all and end-all for your back health. However, if the height of your desk is not optimally adjusted to your body height, your intention to improve your posture is doomed to failure from the start. Because this much is certain - you're not doing your back any favors with a curved spine during office work.

Now what? Persistently measure one desk after another until you find the right one? Of course not. The simple solution to this can be a height-adjustable, ergonomic desk. The correct desk height varies between 66 and 75 cm, depending on body height - it can be determined in detail using online calculators, for example.



Last but not Least: Is everything important at eye-level?

In addition to lower back pain, neck pain and tension are a very common problem. To prevent this, you should make sure to keep your head and thus your cervical spine in an upright position. If your line of vision is too far down in the long term, your entire head will automatically pull down at some point. The best way to achieve an optimized posture is to keep monitors, laptops, smartphones, etc. at eye level. How can you do this easily and at the same time in incomparable style? With the SETUP COCKPIT monitor stand, the solution is delivered to you on a silver platter.



Ergonomic workspace, ergonomic working, ergonomic desk, Monitor stand, SETUP COCKPIT, balolo, neck strain, back pain, ergonomic home office, Monitorerhöhung Holz, Schreibtisch, Desk Setup, Office, Monitor Stand, Monitor Riser

 Image credits: @ulresch


Available in a small and a large version, it perfectly supports you when working with one or two monitors. These are raised in a stylish way by 4,3 inches and neck pain no longer has a chance. But that's not all - the SETUP COCKPIT stands out in the world of monitor raisers with its innovative mounting grid on the underside. In no time at all, a selection of modular accessories such as a Laptop- or Phone Stand are mounted directly to the board and support you in your personal workflow. This way, you have everything important directly at a glance and, above all, create an ergonomically valuable working height.

Ergonomic workspace, ergonomic working, ergonomic desk, Monitor stand, SETUP COCKPIT, balolo, neck strain, back pain, ergonomic home office

Image credits: @ulresch


The result? Your optimally completed ergonomic work space, which also impresses with its unmistakable class. From now on, everyone around you will envy you, and not just for your above-average back health.


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